1a : a cause of astonishment or admiration : Marvel
2: the quality of exciting amazed admiration
3: rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience
When school learning connects to what students like to do, engagement is expanded. Students are more motivated to spend time thinking, reflecting, and developing new ideas in meaningful ways. Student interest and personalized learning supports children in truly connecting to their school experience. We do this often through our exploration of the arts. Also, once a year, we support our students in exploring their personal interest through Wonder Week. This is a time both teachers and students get to connect through genuine inquiry and personal interest. This week students, and staff will explore documentary filmmaking, hiking, basketball, printmaking, poetry, calligraphy, sculpture, dancing, running and many more. Check out the video below to learn about Wonder Week 2017 and how the experience further connected students and staff to their school community.