A Principal’s Letter to IAA 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders:
This week you will begin the SBAC tests for Math and Literacy.
This test will tell us some of things you have learned over the last several years and it will show us where you need to make growth. It will tell us nothing about who you are.
There is no computerized test that can show how we at IAA and others see you, what we know about you and the pride we have in you. The test can’t show that : You’ve worked hard on your jumpshot. You get angry easy, but you’re working on that. Your friends love you and think you’re funny. It’s hard for you to make friends. You have a lovely singing voice. You sometimes worry about things. You are a voracious reader. You’re sometimes hungry. Your first language isn’t english. You like to cook. You help take care of your siblings. You have a strong and confident voice when speaking. The test won’t show how caring, kind and respectful you are and can be.
This test just measures two things, math and literacy skills. When we get the results, we’ll have some information that can help us teach better and you learn better. The test won’t show how resilient you are, how much you have overcome in your lives and what you are ultimately capable of. The test won’t tell us what we already know. Many of you have experienced a lot, both good and bad. Through those experiences you have become you. An amazing person that has much to offer this community and beyond.
Get ready to take the SBAC seriously, Believe you are smart, stay relaxed and focused and try your very best. Also, remember that this test doesn’t measure the beauty and wonder that is inside you. There isn’t a test in the world that could measure that level of awesomeness.
Mr. Bobby